In my opinion, although not the only ones; the two characters pictured above are the biggest and worst obstacles standing in the way of Constitutional government in America! There are many in both political parties! The liberals have their agenda and the conservatives have theirs and then there are those who play both sides of the fence!
In my opinion the ones in the middle are doing as much damage to our country as either side; because they enable both sides to carry the majority whenever it suits their purpose! I believe our elected officials must be held accountable for their actions! I think George W. Bush said it best; "you're either with us or you are with the terrorist"! The same principle applies to politicians as well; "you're either with the American people or you're against the American people"!
Let me be clear; I do not advocate violence or armed revolution! I do not want our country to experience an armed conflict that will result in unnecessary loss of life and destruction! It is my hearts desire to see reason and commonsense prevail in the struggle to restore Constitutional government to our great country! Our Constitution gives we the people the right, the power and the authority to bring that about!
If however, Congress does not act to rid our country of the corrupt lawless criminal Obama administration in the near future; I can foresee the day that American Patriots will come to the conclusion that they have no choice but to exercise their right to replace them by whatever means necessary!
My advice to all politicians is this; 'be very mindful of which side you choose"! Someone once said that "every dog has its day"! I believe the true American Patriots are fast reaching the point where they will resolve to make sure that "every dog does in fact have its day and that may not be as far in the future as some seem to think!
I believe that if Congress does not act, the American people will; and when they do; the "DC doghouse" will undergo a through housecleaning! Your title, your position and the power you have abused and misused will not protect you from the justice you deserve!
Here's my letter:
Dear Representative Salmon,
Dear Senator McCain,
Dear Senator Flake
On September 11, 2012, America was under attack by radical Islamic jihadists. The result of this attack was not only the burning down and ransacking of American consulates and embassies throughout the Middle East. The end result included the atrocious, violent deaths of 4 Americans. Stand with us in fighting for these 4 men who gave all.
Despite asking for reinforcements to help the consulate that was under attack, the Obama Administration denied the requests. Then, within hours of learning about these attacks, President Obama went to party and campaign in Las Vegas, New York, and Hollywood. Although time and emails would prove that not only did Obama know about what happened, he and his team watched it in the Situation Room. But, there were no campaign pictures of that scene released. Instead, Obama attempted, poorly, to hide the truth of what he knew from the American people because the truth was an inconvenience to his campaign in his attempt to remain in power.
The more truth that comes out, the worse and worse it gets for the Obama Administration. In fact, they are so desperate to hide the truth that in the past few days we have found out that not only are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Former Head of the CIA General David Petraeus resigning from their positions, but they have no intention of testifying before Congress. We cannot allow that failure to testify happen. Ambassador Stevens, State Dept. Agent Sean Smith, and Former Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods deserve better. Can you make a sacrifice to assist us in the fight to hold the Obama Administration’s feet to the fire regarding Benghazi? Are you willing to stand up for your Constituents and for those 4 gentlemen that can no longer speak for themselves?
It is my opinion and the opinion of many others across our country that the time has come and long since passed to hold the corrupt lawless Obama Administration accountable for its illegal actions and inactions as well! They have stonewalled every attempt of members of Congress, individual private citizens and organizations of private citizens to get to the truth! They, along with the aid of some members of Congress, have violated their oaths of office by selective enforcement of the laws, ignoring our Constitution and in some cases openly defying the laws that have been dully passed by our Congress and outright ignoring them altogether!
Enough is enough! We the people have had enough of Obama's "Royal Decrees", aka "Executive Orders" and they must be halted! "Government by Decree" is not acceptable in our Constitutional Republic! Congress must do its job of protecting and defending our Constitution in compliance with the oath of office they all took!
It is my sincere desire that we can turn our country around and restore Constitutional government through legal and peaceful means! However, as long as we have a criminal in our White House who fancies himself as a "King" instead of an elected representative of the people, I don't see much chance of a legal or peaceful means by which we can restore our nation and our Constitution!
I call upon Congress to begin the process to impeach Obama and his corrupt cronies! There have been numerous violations of our Constitution by Obama and the evidence is plain for all to see! We can no longer allow it to be ignored. I have a sense that the true freedom loving American Patriots in this country are very weary and tired of being ignored! Their tolerance of your inability to perform the duties of your elected offices has worn very thin indeed!
I call upon Congress to remember the words of one of our most respected "Founding Fathers" and I quote "T]he people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." ~ John Adams!
I implore Congress to do what has to be done! If Congress doesn't act and soon; I believe the American people will! If that becomes necessary; God help us all!
Mr. Dave Allen
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