Do we really need a Convention of States (aka, A Constitutional Convention)? Many believe we do! They contend that we must have a balanced budget Amendment among other changes as well! Of course there are those who oppose it; saying it puts our "Constitution at risk" because they fear a “runaway convention”! Many articles have appeared in recent months on both sides of the debate!
“For what it’s worth”, I for one think it is a good thing! I believe that it is the only way we will ever rein in government spending, eliminate huge deficits and put our country’s financial house back in order! If you consider the current administrations’ out of control policies and the current Congress’ inability or lack of will to control our deficits; there would seem to be little choice in the actions available to “we the people”!
Not only do we need to gain control of our finances; we need to address the problem of making all three branches of our government (Executive, Legislative & Judicial) directly accountable to “we the people”! That has been evidenced by many of the recent decisions handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices!
I believe the method of choosing Supreme Court Justices was one of the few, but probably the biggest mistake the Founding Fathers made; “lifetime terms” being the worst portion of that mistake! They must be made accountable to “we the people” and not the servants of the ones who appoint them!
It was well known, at the time of the first Constitutional Convention that Thomas Jefferson was against giving the SCOTUS the final say on the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress! Apparently, Jefferson was spot on in his thinking (as usual, in my opinion) and has been proven correct, especially in recent years!
The SCOTUS, in light of appointments over the last few years, has become nothing more than a method of imposing a particular political philosophy on “we the people”; an extension of the POTUS from which their appointments come! That to me is unacceptable and must be addressed!
Jefferson accurately described our current situation well over 200 years before it happened when he said the words below:
"An elective despotism was not the government we fought for, but one which should not only be founded on true free principles, but in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among general bodies of magistracy, as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others."
Thomas Jefferson
"The greatest calamity which could befall us would be submission to a government of unlimited powers." - Thomas Jefferson
In short, what we have currently is that “elective despotism” and that “government of unlimited powers’ that Jefferson spoke of! I could go on and on, but suffice to say what I said at the outset of this article; I believe a “Convention of States’ is a good thing and I would add to that, it is a necessary thing at this point in our history!
In summation, “Huston we have a problem” and a “Convention of States” is the only way to fix it! I believe the "risk of a so called runaway convention" is one that must be taken!
Agree or disagree! We welcome your comments!
Learn more about A Convention of States HERE
Dave Allen